Proven Scientific Methods for Rapid Muscle Development
Changes in the body system, especially in terms of muscle mass, take time, but if efforts are made for bodybuilding and no significant increase in size from month to month, a sport approach should be considered to be an error. Wasting time with fruitless exercises is not logical. Also, even if progress can be seen, the amount of it is also important. If progress is too slow, some issues should be reconsidered.
You can read our “Scientific Ways to Gain Lean Muscle Mass” article to learn about lean muscle mass building techniques!
There are five science-based ways to get faster results.
1. Exercise Intensity Should Be Increased!
The training intensity is found by multiplying the number of repetitions by the number of sets. This intensity is the primary determinant of hypertrophy (muscle development). And in order to increase the volume, it may be necessary to move forward with lower weights than expected.It should not be forgotten that the density and efficiency may decrease according to the hypertrophy stages, especially within the scope of the sports program with the aim of power.
In order to achieve the volume required by the muscles, it is recommended that each weight training be performed in 10 to 20 repetitions in three to six sets.
2. Focusing on the Eccentric Phase is of great importance!
Concentric (difficult) and eccentric (easy) phases are found in weight training. For example, when making squats, an eccentric action is performed. Switching from a squat to a standing position in many fitness programs is a concentric action. Surprisingly, eccentric work is much more effective at triggering hypertrophy, according to research published in the journal "European Journal of Applied Physiology".Two methods can be applied to increase the amount of eccentric exercises in training: The eccentric phase of each exercise performed can be rearranged by slowing down or only eccentric phases can be integrated into the routine.
For example, considering squat movement: To apply only the eccentric phase, the ground is approached by crouching, the abdominal muscle is tightened and it remains in this position for a longer time. When only eccentric exercises are tried, the weight used should be increased significantly. Physiologically, muscles move much more than they are concentric.
3. The Rest Intervals Can Be Reduced To Achieve The Rapid Muscle Building Goal!
Timers set between bodybuilding program sets can be reorganized for 30 to 90 seconds, so this method can provide better results for muscle development. In terms of hypertrophy, especially when lifting weights, 30 to 90 seconds rest times promote the increase of hormones involved in muscle building (including testosterone and growth hormone), while also helping to feel that muscles work beyond their limits.In the study published in the journal “Journal of Applied Physiology”, it was determined that the fatigue of the muscles and trying to exceed the limits are a prerequisite for hypertrophy regardless of the repetition and set scheme. Therefore, experiencing the burning sensation while exercising is scientifically considered as one of the strongest evidence of increasing muscle development.
4. Consuming More Protein is Very Important!
In training, the muscles actually break down in certain proportions. Protein reconstructs the ruptured muscles by increasing their volumes. No matter how hard weight lifting exercises are, protein intake is also important in the bodybuilding nutrition program because recovery is achieved in this way.According to research from Stirling University, for the best muscle-building effect, weightlifters should consume 0.25 to 0.30 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per meal. For a 79-pound person, it is recommended to consume 20 to 24 grams of protein per meal. This; It is possible to take three to four eggs, a cup of strained yogurt or a portion of protein powdered cake.
5. Focusing on more than calories is more important than focusing on reducing calories!
This recommendation may be a method of building muscle mass that is difficult to accept, especially for those who do bodybuilding at home to be accustomed to counting calories in the hope of losing weight. However, one of the most effective muscle building methods is to consume more calories than you burn every day with the correct training intensity.Because when the body perceives a calorie deficit; that is, when fewer calories are taken each day, it lowers the tendency to build new muscle mass. If the body thinks that food is insufficient for nutrition, storage will be its main priority and will tend to store fat.
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